Message from Our Head Coach - Martin Lee
By now most of your local swimming clubs will have activities on line to help keep your fitness levels up and Nutrition information to ensure you are also eating correctly too.
Because all the pools are closed most people are doing land conditioning to help keep their fitness. A lot of you probably follow Joe Wicks workout every day. That is good if you are. If you are not, then hopefully you are doing another workout instead.
I know that you will also be having to do school or university work from home too. Because of the home schooling pressures now, it could be a nice change to do some land conditioning for a break in your home schooling at some point throughout the day. This will help take you off the computer for a little while and will give you a nice little break from school or university work. Doing this each day will improve your fitness a little bit at a time.
The important thing to remember about doing the Land conditioning is that everyone is different. If you are following an Olympic champion then you should be doing less than him or her and eating less than him or her. There is no point in asking why you cannot lift the same weights as other people either. Everyone has a different age, build and fitness level, and therefore no-one can compare you to anyone else. When doing these exercises make sure you do them correctly. It is better to do a few correctly than many wrong. Again gradually build up the quantity of exercises you do and try not to start with an unachievable amount.
If you are struggling for exercises to do then try the name game below.
This can make doing exercises fun as well as good for fitness. The only problem is if you have a long name then you will need to do more exercises. J. Remember only do what you can manage! I do not want everyone coming to me saying they have all pulled muscles at the next training weekend!
Always remember to warmup before your sets and also warm down after doing your sets. This will help prevent getting nasty injuries. If you are unsure of how to do some of the exercises then ask you parents to show you. You could persuade them to join in the session with you too. Google may help if the parents do not know. If you are still unsure then email me and I will help you.
It is just unfortunate that we have had to postpone the Championships but remember this will give you more time to improve your fitness. When I see you guys at the next weekend I should see a difference in your fitness levels when we do the gym session. Remember there is always more Deaf competitions coming up and we also have the Deaflympics coming up too.
If you guys have anything at all you want to ask or just get advice then please contact me and I will assist.
Remember and always wash your hands properly, stay safe and stay at Home.
Keep Working hard!
Email :- [email protected]
Have a Happy Easter but do not eat too many chocolate eggs!